Hot Startups - Mailigen

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Regardless of size, shape or form, whether that’s a mom-and-pop shop you’re running or a conglomerate, marketing is an integral part of any business. One marketing strategy that works, if properly implemented, is e-mail marketing. If that got you furrowing your eyebrows in protest, and since I’m a betting man, I’d bet that you’re one of the many people who think spam has killed the effectiveness of e-mail campaigns. Viagra, Bangkok pills … I’m sure you’ve got your fair share already.

The very purpose of e-mail marketing can be broken down in four: maximize your ROI (return on investment), build a trustworthy brand, drive sales and boost social interaction. Inasmuch as a good percentage of the global population is equipped with a working e-mail address, e-mail marketing is one of the simplest and most cost-effective marketing methods. But remember, it has to be done properly and a trustworthy e-mail marketing software definitely helps.

A web-based online marketing application, Mailigen helps you create (surveys, newsletters, sign-up forms) and analyze (through real-time reporting tools and Google Analytics integration) your e-mail marketing campaigns. It provides a wide range of templates to choose from and an option to create your own. Other features include:

  • easy-to-navigate design editor powered by drag-and-drop technology, eliminating the need for coding and other design skills
  • auto-responder
  • API (application programming interface) integration for managing lists, sending out campaigns and gathering data
  • targeted e-mail campaigns, meaning, you send out certain newsletters to certain groups depending on their interests
  • setup wizard for creating lists and campaigns
  • social media sharing buttons
  • high deliverability rate stemming from trusted ISP relationships
  • customer-centric support team

Depending on the number of subscribers you have, Mailigen pricing starts at $10 monthly. You also have an option to test drive the software for 30 days absolutely free. You can choose to pay monthly or as you go. For longer-term sign-ups, discount rates are offered, too – 10% for 6 months and 20% for 12 months. SMS/text messaging can, as well, be included in the subscription. Message rates, of course, vary by country and provider.

If you’re too busy to personally manage your e-mail marketing campaigns, Mailigen offers pro services like campaign management, e-mail marketing audit, e-mail template design, segmentation and list management, dedicated IP and IP certification. You can even subscribe to its standard features for free forever by creating a 5000 Epic Free Account.

[Via -]

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Hot Startups - Mailigen
Hot Startups - Mailigen
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Rating : 4.5