Need To Make A Quick Buck? Copy This Post!

As a reader of our humble blog, you are one of few bloggers invited to try out new blog monetization platform – We are working fast and furious on finishing the engine for this service, so nothing is up yet, but the idea behind this new startup is exactly what the URL suggests – as a blogger, you’ll be able to log in, find a post you want to copy (into your blog), copy it and get paid. How much? Generally $10 per copied post if your blog’s PageRank is 2, $15 if 3, $20 if 4, $30 if 5. Bloggers who post more than one post a day will be allowed place one paid post a day. Otherwise the rule will be there has to be at least two regular posts in between the paid ones. So you can make a good side income for your blog with

What kind of posts are there to be copied, you might be wondering? Here are some examples that show you the TYPE of posts you’ll be dealing with:

As you see, these are generally well-written how-to or list type articles and occasional start-up reviews (we work almost exclusively with start-ups and web services). You won’t be asked to advertise electronic cigarettes or cheap insurance or any other SEO crap that is abundant in the paid blogging world, because our posts are written for people and not Google algorithm – the goal is to drive traffic, not SEO placement (this is why almost all links will be URL-To-URL, using anchor text in the middle of the post is allowed only when appropriate and necessary).

Which brings us to another important point – what kind of blogs should apply. Obviously, only blogs that have regular readers. A minimum of 100 unique daily readers is required, though 250-500 readers a day is what we really prefer. As mentioned, the pay is based on PageRank, since it’s a good measure of the quality of the blog, but we will consider blogs with page rank 0 or 1, if they have over 500 daily readers (this indicates to us that blog is good, it just did not have chance to get proper PageRank since it’s new). We don’t mind if blogger places occasional paid post, however, if your blog almost exclusively consists of paid posts (especially those advertising cheap insurance) – do not apply, since you’ll be wasting both your time and ours.

A couple more issues to consider – since you’ll be copying the post, you obviously won’t get any SEO bonus from Google or other search engines, because the content won’t be original (your blog won’t be hurt by it either, unless most of your blog already unoriginal). Since a lot of bloggers prefer original content only, there will be an option to rewrite the content – if you demonstrate that your English is good AND you are actually putting effort in producing a good rewrite. You’ll be actually getting $5 for making a good rewrite, since some advertisers also insist on original content only, but because the service isn’t automated yet, we don’t have time to moderate and pre-approve rewrites at this point, so currently copying is the only option.

So, if you are interested, here is what you should do. You can apply via PickyDomains contact form ( is a PickyDomains service). Use ‘Copy This Post‘ as subject line.

Please, include the following information:

1. URL of your blog (so we can check it out)
2. PageRank of your blog
3. Average daily visitors for your blog

(Oh, by the way, don’t lie with number 3, since we’ll ask you for a screenshot of your traffic stats later on and we’ll also track how many visitors copied post produced. I’ve had applicant who had 120 daily visitors and claimed 100-150 average stats and I’ve had an applicant with 350 daily visitors who initially claimed 1000 daily visitors – guess who we ended up working with? Accuracy is far more important to us, especially for low traffic blogs)

If your blog is approved, you’ll be able start making money right away, despite the fact that the homepage for the service isn’t finished yet. We pay via PayPal only, so you must have a valid PayPal account.
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Need To Make A Quick Buck? Copy This Post!
Need To Make A Quick Buck? Copy This Post!
Reviewed by malaria
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Rating : 4.5