Creative way to lower your mortgage payments.

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If consumers are willing to accept advertising on their cars, in their personal lives and on their social web pages, then why not their homes as well? That, indeed, is essentially the premise behind a new initiative from California-based mobile ad startup Adzookie, which just this week launched an effort to turn homes into giant advertising billboards.

To be eligible, homes must be owned by the consumer, not rented or leased. Owners must also agree to leave their home in its advertising-emblazoned state for at least three months, extendable up to a year. When those requirements are met, Adzookie will paint the entire outside of accepted houses with advertising, minus the roof, windows and any awnings. The painting process takes approximately three to five days. In exchange, Adzookie says it will pay the homeowner's mortgage for as long as the home remains painted with advertising. If for any reason the owner decides to cancel after three months — or if Adzookie cancels the agreement--the company will repaint the house back to its original colors.

Adzookie launched its effort last Tuesday, and by the afternoon of that same day, it had already received more than 1,000 applications, according to a report on CNN. The lesson to be learned? Never underestimate sellsumers' willingness to go a step further to earn some extra cash. Be inspired!

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[Via - Springwise]

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Creative way to lower your mortgage payments.
Creative way to lower your mortgage payments.
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